Special machinery
Крыльчатый ковш для сбора снега
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STARK – Крыльчатый ковш для сбора снега – отличный выбор для расчистки больших территорий и, вместе с тем, замечательный погрузчик, который может перевозить его на территорию, где складируется снег. Ножи крыльев пружинят.
Ковш для сбора снега
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STARK – ковш для сбора снега, изготовлен из прочного крепкого материала и может использоваться для слежавшегося снега.
Оборудование STOLL
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Трактор TERRION АТМ 3180 оснащённый быстросъёмным фронтальным погрузчиком STOLL предназначен для использования на погрузочно-разгрузочных работах с сыпучими и кусковыми материалами без предварительного их рыхления, выполнения землеройно-транспортных работ на грунтах до третьей категории с выгрузкой материала в отвал или транспортные средства.
Трелёвочные телеги с модульной структурой
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Трелевочные телеги с модульной структурой FARMI forest идеально подходят как для фермерских нужд, так и для профессионального использования при лесозаготовительных работах.
Трелёвочные лебёдки
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Трелевочные лебедки FARMI forest - залог высокой производительности всех операций по трелевке лесоматериалов. Для каждого способа трелевки фирма FARMI forest разработала соответствующее дополнительное оснащение, которое обеспечивает работу при любых условиях эксплуатации.
Машины для измельчения древесины
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Стволы деревьев, ветки, отходы деревообработки, все это может быть переработано в щепу, которая далее может быть использована в качестве мульчи для беговых дорожек, удобрения почвы и для промышленных целей. Машины FARMI для измельчения древесины имеют три модельных ряда: CH 160/160T, CH260/CH222 и СН380. Все модели данных машин идеально агрегатируются с тракторами марки «ТЕРРИОН», в частности с трактором Terrion ATM 3180.
Манипуляторы FARMI
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Все манипуляторы проходят испытание на прочность в соответствии с погрузочными стандартами CEN/TC 147/WGP8 (180000 нагрузочных циклов эквивалентны 70000 кубометрам обработанной древесины в течение 7 лет).
Grader blade
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Grader with a dozer blade is specially designed for road construction. Front blade can be adjusted hydraulically. The blade can also be used for transporting loose material. LD 2030 can also be used for snow removal. Front blade can be fitted with pins that is very effective in clearing roads of snow and ice.
Rear brush Stark
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Rear brush Stark - hinged equipment for wheel tractors, designed for mechanized cleaning of roads, streets and squares in the settlements, including fresh snow, as well as for cleaning of industrial areas.
Area cleaner
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STARK - territorial snowblower works as a road network, and the collection and disposal of waste - these are the advantages of the plow wings. Especially effective use in high-speed plow clearing a large area. If there is a lot of intersections on the streets, you can purchase additional protection for snow (snow locks), which gives better and more effective in cleaning the streets
Brush-bucket collector
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Brush bucket STARK used on a large areas with sand, various debris, yarn, all kinds of scraps and pieces of concrete.
Trailer spreader
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Trailed sand spreader STARK is designed for continuous operation under heavy load. Speed screening can be changed. Safety net prevents stones and ice on the filter, which ensures the safety and functionality of the sand spreader.
Front open brush
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Open brush Stark - hinged equipment for wheel tractors, designed for mechanized cleaning of roads, streets, sidewalks and plazas in the settlements, including fresh snow, as well as for cleaning of industrial areas.
Rear open brush
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Rear brush Stark - hinged equipment for wheel tractors, designed for mechanized cleaning of roads, streets and squares in the settlements, including fresh snow, as well as for industrial area cleaning .
Fits to all models of tractors with 3-point attachment.
Fits to all models of tractors with 3-point attachment.
Two-axle trailer
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Trailers STARK is designed for professional use. The standard kit includes a rear hydraulic side.
Heavy towed grader
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Grader is designed to align the forest and gravel roads. All three blades are adjusted simultaneously. Also, this grader can be used to clear snow-covered roads, which makes it more versatile. Grader STARK-KARITEK 5030 ideally aggregated with TERRION 3180 ATM (180 hp).
Average hinged grader with blade
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Leveling Drag 2030 is specifically designed for road construction. Front blade can be adjusted hydraulically. The blade can also be used for transporting loose material. Leveling Drag 2030 can also be used for snow removal. Front blade can be fitted with pins that is very effective in clearing roads of snow and ice.
Light mounted grader
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Light mounted grader LD 1028 - a versatile tool for all kinds of alignment. Tilting of the front blade can be adjusted. Comfortable frame design allows for easy transport tool. Dual Link (optional) facilitates the work on sloping terrain.
Two single disc cutter grinder
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Tree trunks, branches, wood waste - can be processed into chips, which can then be used as mulch for racetracks, soil fertilizer and for industrial purposes.
Three sectional snowblower
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STARK - UA - snowblower - patented solution as a new generation snowblower, which is suitable for complex snow-covered areas, which control higher than other snow plows for snow removal. Speed and load on the wing almost always keep the size of the trajectory on the territory of 190 degrees. Feature snowplow that in tight places steering snow thrower is very convenient.
Snowplow SB 2452, 2602 HD
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Optimal Snowblowers - are powerful, strong construction machines that are able to work in all kinds of weather conditions, including the wet snow. Optimal has a wide rang with different types of fastening. The design is based on a two-stage snow blowers principle, the power supply operates as a knife, slitting and crush all the snow and ice; rotor then blows this mass through the blow pipe to the outside. Optimal equipment is equipped with universal mounting, allowing it to be aggregated both on the front and rear TERRION 3180 ATM.
Territorial snowblower
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STARK - territorial snowblower works as a road network, and the collection and disposal of waste - these are the advantages of the plow wings. Especially effective use in high-speed plow clearing a large area. If there is a lot of intersections on the streets, you can purchase additional protection for snow (snow locks), which gives better and more effective in cleaning the streets.
Сranked snowblower NL
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STARK - cranked snowblower. Changing the size of hand cranked snowplow most important. Can clearing and "stacking" without eversion of the machine. In the other position of the parties cranked snowplow snow is easily removed from the cleared area.
Сranked snowblower
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Cranked snowblower works fine with abundant snow. For clearing you can use a variable size and geometry of the crankshaft side of the snow thrower. Edge of the snowplow gets used during a heavy snowfall to clear and "stacking" without eversion of the machine. In the other position of the parties cranked snowplow snow is easily removed from the cleared area. The angle of rotation of the plow + / - 38 degrees.
Dozer straight blade
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DOZER BLADES - PL. STARK - dozer blade. Dozer blade is designed to clean yards where you need a good visibility, as well as for public works. Dozer blade is rotated at an angle of 38 degrees +/- two cylinders. Working width from 2.5 to 3.6 meters.
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