Road construction equipment
Heavy towed grader
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Grader is designed to align the forest and gravel roads. All three blades are adjusted simultaneously. Also, this grader can be used to clear snow-covered roads, which makes it more versatile. Grader STARK-KARITEK 5030 ideally aggregated with TERRION 3180 ATM (180 hp).
Average hinged grader with blade
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Leveling Drag 2030 is specifically designed for road construction. Front blade can be adjusted hydraulically. The blade can also be used for transporting loose material. Leveling Drag 2030 can also be used for snow removal. Front blade can be fitted with pins that is very effective in clearing roads of snow and ice.
Light mounted grader
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Light mounted grader LD 1028 - a versatile tool for all kinds of alignment. Tilting of the front blade can be adjusted. Comfortable frame design allows for easy transport tool. Dual Link (optional) facilitates the work on sloping terrain.
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