Production catalogue

TERRION ATM 7360 Read more
TERRION ATM 7360 (360 hp) - the latest designers development, which began in 2011. Designed for operation in high-performance wide-cut and combined units. Equipped with modern continuously variable ZF transmission (Germany), Bosch hydraulics (Germany), the DANA front axle and embodied all the advanced ideas of modern tractor.
TERRION АТМ 5280 Read more
TERRION ATM 5280 (280 hp) - universal tractor, created with the use of components from leading manufacturers. Tractor is designed for energy-intensive operations of general purposes in agriculture, primary and secondary tillage, sowing, harvesting.
TERRION ATM 4200 Read more
TERRION ATM 4200 (200 hp) - a universal tractor, expanding its range produced by PJSC "Agrotechmash". Tractor is designed for energy-intensive operations of general purposes in agriculture, primary and secondary tillage, sowing, harvesting. Effective as the cultivation of crops solid seeding and row crops in the composition of high-performance wide-cut and combined units.

TERRION АТМ 3180M Read more
TERRION АТМ 3180М represents the second generation of 3 class pulling tractors, whose production started in 2004. Manufacture of machinery new modification built on the basis of ZF transmission (Germany) was started in 2013 and completely replaced on the conveyor machines of the first generation. Tractor do it's best working on cultures of continuous seeding and row crop.
SR2010 Read more
SR2010 is specifically designed for experienced and breeding sites. It is for this purpose wondered plant engineers, developing each individual node combine SR2010. When harvesting crops with experienced and breeding sites is very important not to mix together the seeds of different varieties. For this SR2010 is equipped with especially efficient and reliable self-cleaning system. SR2010 can be equipped with special heders for different types of crops, such as sunflower or corn.
SR2000 Read more
Studiously upgradeable 2000 combine series is a good complement for more powerful  grain harvesters series.
SR3000 Read more
Replaces the SR3085L TS came a new and more productive version SR3085 Superior. ZAO "AgroTechMash" offers its customers an enhanced version of the Finnish flagship combine harvester.
SR3085 SUPERIOR Read more
50 years experience in grain harvesters production.
System of dual wheels
System of dual wheels Read more
One of the main functions of the system is to increase the dual wheel tractor pulling force when performing heavy work by increasing the area of ​​traction with the ground and, at the same time, reducing the pressure on the soil.
System of narrow wheels for row crops
System of narrow wheels for row crops Read more